jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Week 3: Thursday April 2nd: Sound revision

Good morning! Are you ready to say "Hello"? 
Here we go: 


Now, can you think of any teacher whose name begins with P? 

Yes! You guessed!

Here is Miss Pao to help us go over the sound we learnt yesterday!

These are some crafts you can choose from to make at home! 

 And here are some pictures for you to look at! See if you can find 3 things starting with each sound:

s    a    t     i    p

As a final activity, if you like, you can make some POPCORN to share with your family!

Claro Video Popcorn Sticker by Claro Costa Rica

Remember we love getting your pictures of all the activities and crafts we do! So go ahead and share:

primero.primaria@strinidad.edu.ar  (Remember to add your name and "English" as the subject)


Don't forget to come back tomorrow! We´ll be learning a new sound and cooking something yummy!!

Laterz GIF - ByeBye Bye Goodbye - Descubre & Comparte GIFs

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