miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Week 11: Wednesday 27th May: A new sound and some revision videos

Today is Miss Gloria´s birthday! 
Enjoy your day!


Here we are today with a new sound for you! 

And now let's do some work! 

In this next video, we will do a revision of all the jobs and professions we learnt yesterday! 

When you finish, get your BLUE COPYBOOK ready! 

Put on your thinking cap!

Think about what you would like to be when you grow up! 

  Now draw and colour it in the copybook! 

And before we finish our lesson, let's go over yesterday's story of: 
"The three billy goats Gruff"

On Friday we will be talking and playing games with this story! 

Enjoy your Gym lesson tomorrow! 

See you Friday! 

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