lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

Week 20: Monday 10th August: Our last sound! And a video on picture description!

  We hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Here we are again! 

Today we will be learning our last sound!

Are you ready? Here we go!

                                    Put on your thinking cap and work on this activity! 


Picture time! Watch this video and then try the activity below!

Now you can choose one of these pictures below and you can tell us 5 things you can see.

You can send them in a short video or in a voice message to our email:


Picture 1 

(Picture Dictionary Page: 66 and 67)

Picture 2

(Picture Dictionary Page: 72-73) 

That's all for today! 

See you tomorrow for our Zoom lesson! 

Remember to have your Picture Dictionaries ready! 


Lots of love,

Miss Caro, Miss Jenn, Miss Pao and Miss Gloria


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